Unique Breastfeeding Situations
Breastfeeding is not always about giving baby nutrition it is also about bonding and a unique intimate experience that lasts for only a short time in the life of your child. You may have a unique situation that inhibits your ability to experience this with your baby. If you have a particularly unique situation Basking Babies may be able assist you in your journey.
Basking Babies works closely with moms and together you will make a plan that will work for you and your family. She will offer you all the options available and let you choose the best fit. Here are some situations Angela has worked with in the past. Please contact Basking Babies if you don’t see your situation listed here and we will do her best to help you along the way or direct you to resources who can.
Basking Babies works closely with moms and together you will make a plan that will work for you and your family. She will offer you all the options available and let you choose the best fit. Here are some situations Angela has worked with in the past. Please contact Basking Babies if you don’t see your situation listed here and we will do her best to help you along the way or direct you to resources who can.
Testimonials from clients
Breastfeeding a premature baby
"My husband and I love to read and research to feel prepared when new things come our way, and that was certainly the case when we found out we were expecting our first baby in May 2015; however, all our research couldn’t prepare us for our little Abigail’s 5-week-early arrival on Christmas day. We were blessed that our tiny miracle did not have any health problems, but we were reminded by each nurse that cared for us that our baby’s premature birth presented some challenges and we would have to take extra care to keep her out of the NICU. Specifically, it was important for us to keep her weight up by bottle feeding a high-calorie formula throughout our hospital stay. We wanted to breastfeed, but it was scary to think that the amount of calories our baby burned trying to learn to breastfeed exceeded what she was actually taking in. We were released from the hospital on Sunday with a 5 lb. 5 oz. baby and Angela came to our house on Thursday and we had nearly given up on our goal of breastfeeding. Our baby wasn’t waking up for feedings unless we forced a bottle and hadn’t gained but an ounce in four days. My milk came in, but without a nursing baby I was horribly engorged and an emotional wreck. When Angela arrived we were overwhelmed, yet we were reassured that her years of experience had prepared her to help us reach our goal of breastfeeding when we couldn’t attain it ourselves. Though she shared our concerns over Abigail’s weight gain and my engorgement, she provided the steps we needed to take to overcome those challenges. As we began applying the instructions she gave us, we began to realize our breastfeeding goal and to see our baby gaining weight. It was so nice to know Angela was just a phone call away and she would check in on us to offer the encouragement we needed and advice along the way. We had her back one last time to address a few minor issues and to weigh Abigail before and after a feeding. With Angela’s help and the education she gave us, we are now almost exclusively breastfeeding our 3 week old baby who was born 5 weeks early. We are so grateful for Basking Babies and would recommend Angela to anyone who is struggling with breastfeeding and looking for the education and support to persevere through the challenges that can accompany it.Just as we were overwhelmed when Angela first visited, we are overwhelmed again; but now, we are overwhelmed with gratitude for Angela’s help every time we look at our chubby, healthy baby girl!"
Breastfeeding after a breast reduction
"I had a breast reduction at 19, and then had incredibly unsuccessful breastfeeding experiences with my first two children. I wasn’t sure that there was much hope for me to be able to exclusively breastfeed…ever! I met with Angela while I was 25 weeks pregnant with our 3rd. She helped me come up with an incredibly detailed plan for pre-birth, while in the hospital, and for at home. She answered ALL my questions (and I had LOTS), listened to all my concerns and reassured me, and really gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed. I left the appointment feeling so uplifted and really felt I could do this!"
"Angela is the reason I was able to nurse by child for an entire year, after having a bi-lateral breast reduction years ago. She is tuned in to a mother's needs and baby's demands and takes every bump in the road in stride. She truly lives by what she practices and teaches parents and was fundamental in my pregnancy and many months after. My family has nothing but gratitude for this professional and passionate woman."
Breastfeeding multiples
"I gave birth to twin boys on December 24. Before they were even born, I had my mind set that I would exclusively pump and bottle feed my boys, as I thought that would somehow be easier than breastfeeding. At first, everything was going great and I was producing about 40 oz/day. Then I ran into mastitis and it cut my supply drastically down to about 15-20 oz/day. I manage...d to get it back up slightly to 20-25 oz/day, but this obviously isn't enough to feed my boys so we were supplementing with more formula than I preferred. I tried literally almost everything and was not seeing positive results so I contacted Angela strictly to help me with my pumping. She asked if I was interesting at all in bringing baby to breast and with no hesitation, I said no to her on the phone. At this point, the boys are 9 weeks old and we have our routine. After thinking about it, I decided to let Angela know that I would like to attempt breastfeeding at the appointment I had setup with her. I wasn't getting my hopes up for success as they had been bottle fed for so long already. Nevertheless, we went to our appointment yesterday and Angela talked with me about the expectations I had for her services. I was still hesitant about the breastfeeding, but we gave it a shot. She was able help me get both boys to successfully latch and transfer milk! Even better, I was able to pump more milk following their feeding than I typically do in a full pumping session! Over 24 hours later, the twins and I continue to have a positive experience with breastfeeding and I am beginning to see positive results with my supply. Not only did Angela exceed my expectations with her services, she gave me the confidence to know that it's never too late to start breastfeeding successfully. I am excited to have started this rewarding journey with my twins and cannot be more grateful for Angela!"
Breastfeeding multiples
I attended Angela's Mother's Milk for Multiples class and heard about the possibilities of preterm labor/delivery, long NICU stays, having to pump extra to build supply for multiples vs just one infant, and I really thought "Oh that won't happen to me". Of course we always think we will be the exception! I had great success nursing my oldest child to one year of age and had great supply so while I didn't anticipate problems with the twins, I wanted to be sure I was off to the best start possible.. While I always knew "anything could happen", I still thought "if I invest in the resources and do my research on which NICU we would want to attend if needed, I wont need it". Well, I am able to say that not only am I thrilled with the breastfeeding package, but I am glad that I also toured the NICUs because guess what..I needed both resources! My labor started at 33.5 weeks after a very healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy. I ended up delivering at 35 weeks and the twins spent five weeks in the NICU for feeding and growing. Having Angela as a resource while in the NICU was worth every penny. I am a well educated individual and in the medical field, but when your child(ren) are admitted to the NICU and you are 12 hours postpartum, you wear your emotional mom hat and your professional work takes the back seat for awhile. After a long five weeks in the NICU, I am positive that it is nursing that got us out of there and finally home. I was able to consult with Angela throughout the process and help advocate my wishes to the medical team. Even though I was told on my tour of the NICU it was a very breastfeeding friendly environment and it was preferred over bottle feeding, I did not experience that at all. It was very reassuring to have another medically minded person with breastfeeding as a priority to reach out to and discuss with, and that is where Angela came in. I loved her home visits as a chance to finally meet the girls and see all of our efforts come together as I successfully tandem nursed my twins. THANK YOU AGAIN Angela!"
Breastfeeding with insufficient glandular tissue
"I have insufficient glandular tissue which makes it impossible for my body to produce the breast milk that he needs so we supplement with donated breast milk. Right now I am making about half of the milk he needs. I struggled to breast feed my first child not knowing what was the reason. I took tons of herbs, prescription pills (27 total pills per day to be exact) and lived on my pump only to produce a tiny amount. I mainly supplemented with her. That was my focus. I got consumed. I got mad at my baby and mad at myself because I had no idea why I could not do what most women could. We made it to 4 months before it got to be too much with returning to work full time I could just not keep up doing what i was doing. This time around things started off similar. I knew that I was not making what he needed I just had no idea how much I was making or even why I could not provide the milk my baby needed. I have wonderful friends that purchased me a gift certificate to see Angela of basking babies. She explained what was going on, Helped us with a plan and has encouraged us every step of the way and reminded me that even though I cannot make all of what he needs he is still getting some milk from his momma which means so much. It was a wonderful experience and because of her I can now see us breast feeding long term. I now use an SNS with every feeding to supplement. I do wish that it were easier and I could just latch baby on anywhere and feed him without needing extra supplies. It's not the easiest way to do things but I am very proud of myself that my baby has not had an artificial nipple. This is how I feed my baby."
Whatever your breastfeeding needs - BASKING BABIES can help you! Check out Basking Babies Services or contact us to schedule your one-on-one appointment.
More Helpful Information
IBCLC - What It Means
Meet the Basking Babies Team
Benefits of a Consultation with an IBCLC
Unique Breastfeeding Situations
IBCLC - What It Means
Meet the Basking Babies Team
Benefits of a Consultation with an IBCLC
Unique Breastfeeding Situations