You are so awesome at what you do and so passionate and kind it's refreshing! Without your help, I doubt I would have made my 1 year goal in nursing....I will have met that goal in 18 days!!! :-)
I had a breast reduction at 19, and then had incredibly unsuccessful breastfeeding experiences with my first two children. I wasn’t sure that there was much hope for me to be able to exclusively breastfeed…ever! I met with Angela while I was 25 weeks pregnant with our 3rd. She helped me come up with an incredibly detailed plan for pre-birth, while in the hospital, and for at home. She answered ALL my questions (and I had LOTS), listened to all my concerns and reassured me, and really gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed. I left the appointment feeling so uplifted and really felt I could do this!
During my visit with Angela, we weighed my daughter, I fed her, and then we weighed her again to get an idea of how much milk she was getting when she nursed. This helped gauge about how many feedings she should be getting in a day. After doing all the calculations, Angela advised that she actually needed 7-8 feedings a day in order to be getting enough breast milk for her age/size. Angela and I came up with a plan to get her these extra feedings. I added in an extra bottle at daycare, a feeding right before I went to bed, and a dream feed around 2-3 in the morning. Within 5 days, my daughter had gained 6 oz. I also started pumping 4 times a day at work instead of 3; however, I decreased my pump time so in the end, I am spending the same amount of time pumping at work. I also increased the amount of Fenugreek I take to 4 pills 3 times a day and I now take 3 Blessed Thistle pills 3 times a day. Another thing I added was Moringa which is the main ingredient in Go-Lacta. I take 1 ½ teaspoons of this per day which is 3 grams (the recommended dosage per Go-Lacta’s website). I have definitely seen an increase in my supply within a week after making all of these changes. My daughter is happier than ever and I owe a big thanks to Angela!!!
I went in for my daughter’s 4 month Doctor's appointment and found out she had only gained 3 ounces since her 3 month appointment. Her pediatrician didn’t seem overly concerned but wanted me to try and feed her few more ounces of breast milk in a day and come back in 3 weeks to see if she had grown. I took it upon myself to reach out to Angela with Basking Babies to make sure there wasn’t an underlying issue that was causing the lack of weight gain.