Birth, Breastfeeding, Baby, and Beyond
Where do you go for the support you need? Basking Babies, LLC Can Help! Before birth: Private consultations for concerns and for those who desire a positive breastfeeding experience, offering the “Breastfeeding Anew” class, a “Pumping Class” and the “Breastfeeding Bundle.” Birth: Doula service through L & B Doulas. ( Breastfeeding: In your home, in the office, skype, and phone IBCLC or CLC consultations. Baby: Weight checks and “Skip Baby Puree” class. Beyond: Postpartum Doula services and monthly support/educational group: Basking Babies Buffet |
Specializing in breastfeeding support in Iowa by providing:
-Breastfeeding Education for Parents and Professionals
-In-Home or Office/Phone and Skype Consultations
-The Basking Babies support group: "Basking Babies Buffet"
-Breastfeeding Products in our Basking Babies Boutique
-"Cures from the Cupboard" to help with breastfeeding challenges
-In-Home or Office/Phone and Skype Consultations
-The Basking Babies support group: "Basking Babies Buffet"
-Breastfeeding Products in our Basking Babies Boutique
-"Cures from the Cupboard" to help with breastfeeding challenges
A summary of the Third Breastfeeding Summit (July 2011) written by Kathleen Marinelli MD, IBCLC, FABM who is a neonatologist, a Board member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, and Chair of the ABM Protocol Committee: “An astonishing piece of data given by immediate past-president Dr. Caroline Chantry in her presentation 'Supporting the 75%' was that from a very average population she studied, only 8% of women reported no problems with breastfeeding in the first two weeks postpartum. Looked at in another way,
a whopping 92% of women had at least one significantly self-reportable
problem with lactation.”
QUOTE FROM A DAD (shared by his birth doula) I felt compelled to share ....... This dad called me after meeting with Angela for a home visit shortly after a difficult birth. His exact words were, "Angela is absolutely incredible! She is worth every penny. In fact, I would have happily handed her my wallet for the peace of mind and knowledge she brought into our home!!! Having her over was one of the
best choices we made for successful breastfeeding!"
a whopping 92% of women had at least one significantly self-reportable
problem with lactation.”
QUOTE FROM A DAD (shared by his birth doula) I felt compelled to share ....... This dad called me after meeting with Angela for a home visit shortly after a difficult birth. His exact words were, "Angela is absolutely incredible! She is worth every penny. In fact, I would have happily handed her my wallet for the peace of mind and knowledge she brought into our home!!! Having her over was one of the
best choices we made for successful breastfeeding!"
Basking Babies, LLC is here to assist you in Basking in the Birth of your Baby and your Baby Basking in the warmth of your skin!!
Definition of basking: To derive great satisfaction or pleasure
Contact Us
Office location is at the Altoona Medicap at 950 28th Ave SW Altoona, Iowa 50009
[email protected]
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Get the birth, breastfeeding, baby and beyond help and support that you need!!
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Get the birth, breastfeeding, baby and beyond help and support that you need!!